Days of Gratitude- Day Three

We are continuing our Days of Gratitude leading up to Thanksgiving.  My firstborn grandson lives with autism.  To say that his diagnosis has put a different spin on life is an understatement.  Autism is not easy.  It brings many challenges with it-educational challenges (he is one smart kiddo, but it’s hard to find a program that fits), physical challenges, and societal challenges.  Despite these difficulties or maybe because of them, I am grateful for the lessons autism has taught me.  My grandson lives with a grace that I doubt many could accomplish.  His days are not easy.  The slightest noise can bring pain, a “small” change in routine can bring on great anxiety.  Still he pushes on; he keeps trying.  Thanks to my grandson I have learned perseverance and grace.  I have learned that no problem is to big and I can always start over. He also finds joy and humor in almost any situation.  He has taught me to look on the bright side of things and to remember to laugh.  I am grateful for these lessons.  I am grateful for my grandson.


photo courtesy Angela Shenk

Doran -my grandson


What are you grateful for today?

be well,
