Days of Gratitude

The holiday season is fast approaching.  I love this time of year, but it is easy to get swept away in busyness and seasonal chaos.  I do my best to try to focus on the moment.  I find it helps to start focusing on gratitude.  We all try to be thankful daily, but as the days get busy, it’s easy to lose focus.  I find that Thanksgiving is the perfect tine to reconnect with ourselves, others and with our gratitude.  In that spirit we will be marking the next few days of gratitude leading up to Thanksgiving.  And we are starting today.  Join us on the blog and on Facebook.  You can share what you are grateful for in the comments or make a note of it to yourself.  Thank you for taking a moment to pause with us.

I am grateful for life with all of its small and big moments, happiness, sadness, accomplishments, loss and love, difficulties and triumphs.  I am grateful to here now.  I am grateful for life.  What are you grateful for today?

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photo courtesy Angela P. Shenk

Be well,
