From Burden to Blessing

I can imagine what it’s like for a customer.  The place you live in needs painting.  You are more than ready for a makeover in a particular room, or perhaps even the whole house.  You dream of new colors and a refreshed look for your home.  You dream of floating from room to room surrounded by beauty and  tranquility.  And then the pretty picture suddenly melts away; you think, “Ugh, people will be tramping through my house working for the next week.”  Then comes the next thought, “Ugh!  The dust!  The dirt!  What if they spill paint on my couch?!  What about my floor?!  I don’t think I can take it.  What if these painters smoke and listen to loud radios?!  What if they break things that are important to me?!   But, I desperately need to get this done.”


The Larkin Painting Company has been in business for over seventeen years.  We have many customers who will testify that the Larkin Painting Experience is not a burden but a blessing.  Our professional craftsmen and women are not allowed to smoke on the job or listen to radios.  They love the rhythm, the ritual and the quiet tranquility of performing their work in your home.

In progress

We treat your home like our own.  We do not do anything or go anywhere in your home without permission.  We are conscious of cleaning as we go along and leaving you each day with an immaculate space.

Not only do we see ourselves working in your home, but we also see ourselves as blessing your space.  We see your home as a space of rest, of family, of celebration, a space of preparation as you move out into the world as you go about your daily life.  We want the idea of repainting your home to evolve from burden to blessing.  We want our presence to be a blessing that remains long after we left, and we do our best t0 achieve that goal.


Be well,
