An Experience by Hand

The Larkin Painting Experience is an experience by hand.  We mix luxurious paints by hand.  We cut sharp paint lines by hand.  With our hands, we go over every surface in your home that you asked us to paint.

mural drawn and stenciled by hand

mural drawn and stenciled by hand

We use our hands to ensure that your surfaces are smooth and prepared properly.  Our craftsmen and women are so good with their hands.



Their hands are their livelihood.  Their hands are their tools.  Their hands are the means by which your dream for your home becomes reality.


Most of our work at Larking Painting requires the use of our hands in some way.  It is an honor to use our hands to work for the good of others.  It is a privilege to use our hands to restore and help build up creation.  It is a gift to use our hands to create beauty in your world.

tight sharp lines cut by hand


Be well,
