2018 Annual Faux and Decorative Finish Contest

This past November, we attended the 2018 Annual Faux and Decorative Finish Contest hosted by the Assabet Valley Regional Technical High School (AVRTHS) and the AVRTHS Painting and Design Technologies Program! The contest was coordinated by Painting and Design Technologies instructors, John Hughes and Tim Tonelli. This event was started over 20 years ago as a component of the inaugural Painting and Decorating Contractors of America (PDCA) New England Council’s Annual Convention and Expo.

Bill Larkin and Kelly Jenkins

The Larkin Painting Company was honored to be a part of the team of judges. We even caught up with Kelly Jenkins (you can check out our feature on Captive Home here), owner of Captiva Home Decor. Christine and I, also had the opportunity to speak to the students about the career of a craftsperson and about the painting business.  We are always interested in finding talented apprentice painters who want to have a successful and rewarding career in the painting industry. We listened and shared with young students from three different Massachusetts high schools-Assabet Valley Regional Technical High School, Worcester Technical High School, Greater Lowell Technical High School, and Blackstone Valley Regional Vocational Technical High School.

During the day, students submitted decorative panels to be evaluated, critiqued and judged. There were quite a few talented students who are already creating beautiful work. The students also attended presentations about career opportunities. It was a great opportunity for students, instructors and professional craftspeople to meet, learn and discuss our incredible profession.

Bill Larkin Answering Student Questions

If you know someone who is interested in creating a career in the painting industry, give us a call at 508.740.6212.

Be well,
