A Winter Runner Welcomes Spring!

My name is Christine Da Silva. I am the Business Manager and Color Consultant for Larkin Painting Company. I am a passionate runner. Over the past few years, I have discovered some beautiful trails that are perfect for running and hiking during the warmer months. Throughout the summer, spring and fall, I ran and hiked trails every weekend. We all know that winters in New England can be long, cold, icy and snow-covered. If you love being outside like I do, you have to find a way to adapt. This year I adapted, changed my routine, and became a winter runner. I kept hiking and running the trails even during the winter- even when it was snowing.

The winter landscape is the same, but it’s also different. The lack of leaves on trees and shrubs make the trails incredibly quiet so that all I hear is the crunch of snow and ice under my feet. I can also hear the few birds and animals that venture out of their homes. The air is sharp and crisp so it really wakes up my mind and body. It is a wonderful kind of peaceful quiet.

As much as I enjoy my winter running and hiking, and as much as I am proud of my new status as a winter runner, I am looking forward to more sunlit hours. Running throughout the winter has given me a new perspective on these colder months and even more appreciation for the warmth that comes with spring and summer. It will be easier to travel ‘lighter’ and run with less gear. The snow has mostly given way to mud and the mud will soon give way to packed soil. I am looking forward to watching the seasons change once again on the trails.

Be well,
