Assabet Valley Cooperative Placement Program

The Assabet Valley Cooperative Placement Program allows students employment opportunities where they can enhance their technical skills in their chosen career field. This program is state-approved and provides a great opportunity for students to earn money while working and gaining real-world experience in their chosen field instead of putting hours in another type of job that is not on their career track or fails to meet their educational goals. The placement program ensures that students are qualified to join work as an apprentice; they must perform well in academic and technical classes.

Painting is a specialized craft. It takes time and dedication to master. Our painters are craftspeople. They take pride in their work and their ability to turn our clients’ dreams into reality. It is essential that we pass along our knowledge to people who choose professional painting as their career.

We are passionate about training the up and coming generation of professional painters. We pair apprentices with experienced project managers and painters. It is an honor to train aspiring painters. We instill our values, mission and work ethic. Painting is both artistic and technical. There is so much to teach our apprentices from proper and best preparation practices, efficient and respectful communication, safety, problem solving and project planning, customer service to mastering an ever-evolving array of industry products. Our goal is to hire apprentices and painters that seek a career and future, not a ‘summer job’, and give them a clear path of growth and development for success. We are involved with the Assabet Valley Tech School’s Cooperative Placement Program. Our new apprentice, Yennifer, is a student in this program. She is enjoying the experience and learning so much. We are grateful to the Assabet Cooperative Placement Program for partnering with us and sending vetted and talented young craftspeople our way. It is essential that our craft is taught to the upcoming generation. Our country was built on making and creating. We are proud to maintain and enrich that tradition.

We welcome talented craftspeople to apply for a position or apprenticeship. If you or someone you know has any questions about available positions or would like to learn more about what it takes to become a master painter, contact us at (508) 740-6212.

Be well,
