Bringing Our Best to You!

At Larkin Painting we always do our best, conduct ourselves in a professional manner, respect others and strive for perfection. Following this philosophy is one of the most important ways to show who we are and what we stand for, especially after we complete our client’s project. My name is Roger and I am the Assistant Manager at Larkin Painting. Recently one of our jobs required that I work on a door that had been previously sprayed by another professional painter. The contractor called on Larkin Painting to finish the work on a newly installed door. Before I arrived onsite, the contractor installed the sashes to hold custom glass for the door. The sashes were made of raw wood. My job was to prep the wood and paint it in place as we could not take the door down again for easier access.

taping door for protection and clean edges by Larkin Painting Company

As I inspected the door and made note of what needed to be done, I couldn’t help but notice how well that door was sprayed. The previous painter was quite meticulous. Some may regard this project as a simple door-painting task or think that it shouldn’t require much effort or time investment, but it was clear to me that this project was not simple. Painting the door required professional skills and time. It also required something that can be easily overlooked-that is, respect for someone else’s work. The previous painter had done a beautiful job painting the door. I had to make sure the new raw wood blended seamlessly with the existing paint job. I knew that I had to ensure that the old paint job on the door and the new paint job on the sashes had to blend as if one painter had painted it entirely.

I applied my skills and technique to ensure that the coats of paint were consistently and beautifully applied. The result was a stunning finished door. In this time of hyper-competition and “every man or woman for his or herself”, it is important to remember that there is nothing wrong with acknowledging the beautiful or highly-skilled work of another professional. Working as a team for the good of the client is the only way to transform a client’s vision into reality. The Larkin Painting team’s ability to deliver high-quality beautiful work even if we did not begin the project is one of many reasons why respected  contractors and discerning clients call us, It is our pleasure to help you transform your space. Give us a call at 508 740-6212 or fill out the “Let’s Get Started” form here.

Custom door painting by Larkin Painting Company

Be the best you can be,
