Paint Colors to Make Your Home Feel Warm this Winter

Cold winter weather can put a chill in the air, but there are ways to make a home feel cozy that have nothing to do with turning up the thermostat. Read on to find out why the experts at Larking Painting Company say paint colors can be a great way to make your home feel warm this winter.

Think Warm

Think about the colors you associate with the warmest season of the year— summer. Painting an accent wall in your home with the colors of the sun and fire, such as reds and yellows, and even brown desert landscapes can invoke a sense of warmth. If red or yellow are too bold for your liking, consider darker shades, such as burgundy or rust, or whites and beiges with warm undertones.

Avoid Cool Undertones

If warming up your home is the goal, the last thing you want to do is bring in cool winter colors, such as white and blue. These cool undertones can make a home look and feel colder than it actually is. Does this feel overwhelming? The experts at The Larkin Painting Company can help you choose the right color for your home’s particular needs and style.

All About the Lighting

Another aspect of whether a home feels cool or warm in the winter is the lighting. Residents of places with extended winters (like Scandinavia)  know a big secret to making a home feel truly cozy is the warmth that can be provided by different sources of light. 

Consider adding lamps or candles, or swapping out your bulbs for warmer ones. Whether you’re interested in painting an accent wall, room, or an entire house,  you can trust the experts at Larkin to do what’s best for your home.

Mix and Match with the Furnishings

So maybe you’re not a red person or yellow feels too bright. There are still many ways to warm up your home with the right paint choices. Take a look at your existing furnishings for ideas on colors that speak to your particular style. Is there a favorite color that pops up repeatedly in your home decor? Warm undertones can be found across the color spectrum from earthy greens and deep navy blues to earthy whites and browns.

Connect with the Paint Specialists at Larkin Painting Company Today

Winter is a great time to focus on making your home a pleasant space to spend time in and the experts at Larkin are here to help. If you have any questions about painting or winter maintenance for your home, contact the painting professionals at The Larkin Painting Company at 508.740.6212.

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